We offer comprehensive inpatient and consulting services to patients with Brain and Spine Disorders.
It offers Experience and Scientific Knowledge to the Patients and their Families.
Patients with Trauma, Tumors, Stroke, Epilepsy of all ages are given treatment.
In addition, Electrophysiological Studies i.e., EEG is available for those indicated.
We deal with a wide range of Services from Treatment to Screening and Awareness Programmes for Women throughout their life span.
Services for Maternity, Previous Pregnancy losses, High risk pregnancy i.e., patients with Diabetes, Hypertension, Prenatal Counseling are offered with special focus on Loving Care.
Treatment for Gynecological disorders, Cancer screening and Menopause Clinic promotes well being of Women.
There is a special importance denoted to Teenagers and for Premarital Counseling.
In addition, Family Planning services and Day Care services are offered.
Labor Analgesia Facilities are available to ease the process of Delivery.
We offer fetal monitoring services during pregnancy (Non Stress Test) & in labour
(Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring). |
The Clinic offers a Variety of Scope of Services for :
1) Pregnant Women. 2) Obesity. 3) PCOS Patients. 4) Patients with Neurological Problems. 5) Diabetes. 6) Special Medical Conditions. 7) Preventive Medicine. 8) Special Cell for Geriatric Population.
1) For First Trimester Screening.
2) For Anomaly Scans in Pregnancy.
3) Routine Obstetric Ultrasound.
4) Doppler Studies in Pregnancy.
5) Abdominal Sonography.
It offers a complete range of Investigations including Endocrine Profile.
There are specialized packages for Pregnancy, Epilepsy, Backache, PCOS, Menopause, Infertility.
Cytology and Histopathology work is done under Expert Guidance.
Our Department is efficiently managed by Dr. Rajendra Chaudhari (M.D. Pathology) and his Team.
The department functions with an Aim to restore Normal or Near Normal Activities of daily living of Patients who have suffered due to Injury or Diseases.
Mainly dealing with Nerve Injuries, Patients with Paralysis or Post Paralytic Recovery, Postoperative Case and Geriatric Cases, services are offered in the form of Exercises, Aids and Appliances.
Preventive and Therapeutic Exercises for Patients with problems of the Back, Occupational Problems due to poor Ergonomics and for Elderly Patients have been giving Promising Results.
Especially for Patients with :
1) Backache. 2) Spine Disease. 3) Pregnancy.
For Epileptic’s, Pre & Postoperative Patients, Infertility Patients, Children etc. by Experienced Clinical Psychologist.